Project Introduction
About the Project
The Downtown Area Revitalization Plan (DARP) will provide a 15-year vision and strategy to catalyze the revitalization of downtown Drumheller.
What does the plan include?
The DARP will provide a framework and supporting policies for the downtown to:
Coordinate public and private investment
Provide direction on urban design and public realm improvements, including streets, parks, and other public spaces
Guide land use planning and development
Enhance visitor experience
Support economic, social, cultural, and environmental prosperity in Drumheller
Why is a Revitalization Plan needed?
A downtown is a highly visible and important indicator of a community’s economic and social health. Enhancing downtown Drumheller as a destination for retail, dining, entertainment, culture, and events is a critical step towards recruiting new residents, attracting visitors, and stimulating new investment, businesses, and industries.
Downtown Drumheller’s role as a centre for business and public life has diminished over time. Despite past initiatives by the Town and partners to improve the downtown, the lack of a comprehensive revitalization plan has led to uncoordinated or unfulfilled projects and programs. While a dedicated retail and commercial presence remains anchored in the downtown, it has not become the vital place it aspires to be. Through this Plan, Drumheller has a tremendous opportunity to re-establish its role as the civic and business centre of the Valley.
Downtown Study Area
Downtown Plan study area
Downtown Structure
Urban Structure Diagram